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Reading Lists - Guide to Creating and Editing a Reading List

Organising and structuring your reading list


A clearly structured reading list can help students to navigate the list, understand what is expected of them and plan their reading.


Using sections e.g. reading by week, topic, priority or resource type helps to provide structure for the students and also makes it easier for teaching staff to move sections and items around in the list if required.

Add sections to a list

  • Click the +Add button and select New Section.
  • Give the section a Title and optionally add a description or start and end dates (to make section visible for a defined period).
  • The section is added to the end of your list. You can move it to a different location with Manage Sections.

Edit section or limit visibility

  • Click the section's 3 dot ellipsis and choose edit to change the title, description or optionally to restrict visibility of the section to certain dates.
  • Change the information as required and click save.

  • If you set a start and end date, the section is tagged with a no visibility symbol and reminder of the dates.
  • The section only appears in the student screen during the set dates - click the 3 dot ellipsis at top of the list and select Student view to check.
  • To hide a section from student view indefinitely, follow these steps but set both the start and end date to any date in the past.