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Reading Lists - Guide to Creating and Editing a Reading List

Copy, move or delete items

  1. Use the ellipsis menu on the right-hand side of an item to see the main actions, including Copy item, Move item and Delete item.

  2. When copying or moving an item you can copy or move it within This List (or use the drop-down menu to choose a different list) and use the Copy into section drop-down menu to choose a the section to copy or move it to.

Troubleshooting: Can't find the list to copy or move to

  1. Instead of seeing the options to copy or move the item within This list and choose a different section, you might only be only get the option to Copy into list choose a different list.

    It is likely that the list you are working on is not included in your My Lists. 
    Click the Add to my lists icon on the banner at top of the page and then try again to copy or move the item.

  2. Alternatively, when trying to copy or move an item to a different list, the module you want might not be in the drop-down menu.
    There are a number of possible explanations:
    (a) A list has not been created for the other module yet.
    (b) A list has been created for the other module but it is not in your My Lists.
    (c) You are not an instructor or collaborator on the other list (you can only edit or add material if you are an instructor or collaborator).

    - If you are a teacher on the other module, go to the Canvas module and click Reading List.
    - If a reading list exists, click List info on the banner at the top to check the reading list instructor and askto be added as a collaborator.
    - Alternatively, contact the Library.
    - You may still have to add the list to your My favorites (see above).