Due to some technical issues, Find Full Text is not currently (March 2023) finding and adding documents on all devices. We anticipate this will be resolved in our next software upgrade.
Normally, Find Full Text will be successful at locating and adding some PDF articles which have a DOI. Not all documents will be retrieved.
Things to check:
EndNote Preferences (EndNote > File > Preferences > Find Full Text) should be configured with:
OpenURL Path: https://librarysearch.stir.ac.uk/openurl/44UST_INST/44UST_INST:VU1?
Authenticate with UR: http://ezproxy.stir.ac.uk/login?url=
The Cannot Edit Range error when using EndNote's Cite While You Write tool (i.e. via the EndNote tab in Word) to cite references in a Word Document may be due to a conflict with Mendeley.
You should now be able to add EndNote citations normally. If you have any citations created when experiencing the 'cannot edit range' error (these are usually enclosed in curly brackets {}) you will probably have to delete them.
If EndNote citations and references still do not appear or format correctly, you may need to uninstall the Mendeley Word Plugin
Hopefully you can now cite EndNote references to your Word document. You may need to click Update Citations and Bibliography. Also check that Instant Formatting is switched on.
Citations may be corrupted if you are showing the Markup when using Track Changes in Word. Always use Track Changes in 'No Markup' or 'Final' mode (depending on your version of Word. See further articles below from EndNote:
EndNote libraries can become damaged. Common reasons are:
See the EndNote support guidance for Recovering Library Files for instructions on file recovery.
Alternatively, if you regularly sync your library with EndNote Online, you can create a 'new' library and pull in all the references from your online version:
Switching between formatted and unformatted citations can help avoid your document becoming corrupted.
Switch to Unformatted Text when you are:
What is Unformatted Text vs Formatted Text
Formatted citations what you expect to appear in your final version e.g. Harvard references will look something like this (Jones, 2009 p.21).
Unformatted citations are temporary placeholders. Regardless of referencing style they are very basic and appear in curly brackets. Codes are used to denote page numbers or different formats of the citation e.g.:
Formatted Citation | Unformatted Citation |
(Jones, 2009) | {Jones, 2009} |
(Purvis, 2000 p.26) | {Purvis, 2000 #92@26} |
Davic (2003) |
{Davic, 2003#81@@author-year} |
Switching to Unformatted Citations.
Returning to Formatted Citations
If you are using Cite While You Write and your in-text citations and author names in the bibliography are incorrectly formatted you may need to edit these in EndNote. The incorrect formatting usually derives from poorly defined metadata in the source you imported it from (e.g. database or web page etc.). In this table the Correct formatting column gives tips on how to update your reference in EndNote)
Wrong formatting | Correct formatting |
John A Smith [Might display in your in-text citation as (John 2019) instead of (Smith 2019)] |
Smith, John A. (or Smith, J.A.) [Surname - comma - first name or initials] |
H Zhuang, , Ian Hatton, Sarah R Jackson, LF Rezende [Might not display in your in-text citation as Zhuang et al.] |
Zhuang, H. Hatton, I. Jackson, S. R. Rezende, L.F.
[Names should be separated by carraige return to form a list] |
Natural England [Might display in your in-text citation as England, Natural as EndNote does not know this is an organisation and formats it as if it has a surname and first name]. |
Natural England, [Organisation names should have a comma at the end of the name in EndNote.] |
When trying to save a customised style you may see the following error:
"You are saving the file outside your style folder"
Any customised or additional styles added to EndNote must be saved outside of your Program files in a folder called Style Folder.
1. If your version of EndNote is updated, the new version might not include the file path to your Style Folder. To check the path to the style folder:
2.Check whether you have a style Folder on your computer or create one at:
[Alternatively, create the folder in the same location as your EndNote Library e.g. instead of in Documents, your EndNote Libary might be stored at PC > Local Disk (C:) > Users >Your user name e,g MSM4 > EndNote Library - make sure you enter this file path in the EndNote preferences }
PLEASE NOTE: After making these changed, the first time you use Select Another Style Endnote may appear not to be responding. It may need some time to refresh - see above Select Another Style - not showing more styles.
Check the guides on this EndNote help page. Check the tabs at the top for more information.
If you can't find what you need contact library@stir.ac.uk
EndNote has thousands of styles and it can take some time to load them all for the first time (e.g. if you have newly installed/reinstalled EndNote, a new computer etc.or if you have customised or created a new style). Users have reported delays of a few minutes up to 15 minutes depending on how old or powerful their computer is.
Unfortunately, there is no timer or progress bar to show that EndNote is working to load the files.
If possible, don't have many other computer applications running on your machine and don't use your computer while EndNote is loading the styles.
This feature helps prevent you from accidentally deleting or editing EndNote fields.
1. Go to Word's Options - Advanced: File > Options > Advanced
2. Scroll down to the Show Document Content section and find Field Shading drop-down box. This is usually set to 'When Selected'.
3. Change the Field Shading drop-down box to Always.
4. Select OK to save the changes.
Your EndNote in-text citations and bibliography will now appear in grey shading. Do not delete or edit this text directly in Word as this can leave computer code behind which may corrupt your document. Use Edit & Manage Citations button in the EndNote toolbar to make changes.
if yoiu see EN ADDIN and parts of your reference in angled brackets <> instead of your in-text citation, Word is showing you the computer code which holds the reference information.
The quick fix is: Press ALT+F9 (Option+F9 on macOS) on your keyboard to toggle field codes. If this does not resolve the issue, see the Clarivate Support page.for more guidance.