If you wish to keep your references in the longer term, it is important that you take action before you graduate or leave the University. It may not be possible to retrieve or transfer them once you no longer have access to your University computer or network account.
The University's EndNote licence only covers current staff and students. When you leave the University EndNote must be removed from your personal device(s). You may use one of the following methods to retain access to your references and PDFs:
University of Stirling staff and students may have premium EndNote Online access. This has no limit on the number of references or file attachments and access to 3,300+ referencing styles.
Retain premium level access for a minimum of one year after you leave the University by authenticating your EndNote Online just before you leave (see instructions below).
At the end of your premium access period your account will revert to EndNote Basic. EndNote Basic allows up to 50,000 references, 2GB of file attachments and 21 referencing styles.
EndNote Online can be accessed at any time at http://www.myendnoteweb.com.
Before you leave the University follow the instructions in the section below for users with an EndNote Online account.
Before you leave the University, synchronise your EndNote Desktop library with EndNote Online and authenticate your account as follows:
Check the guides on this EndNote help page. Check the tabs at the top for more information.
If you can't find what you need contact library@stir.ac.uk
If you have EndNote on another computer (e.g. if you have purchased a licence or are moving to another University which has EndNote) use the Compressed Library backup feature.
Restoring your EndNote Library on another computer