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EndNote: Graduating

Guidance and support material for using EndNote referencing software.


If you wish to keep your references in the longer term, it is important that you take action before you graduate or leave the University. It may not be possible to retrieve or transfer them once you no longer have access to your University computer or network account.

How can I use my EndNote Library after I graduate or leave the University?

The University's EndNote licence only covers current staff and students. When you leave the University EndNote must be removed from your personal device(s). You may use one of the following methods to retain access to your references and PDFs:

  • Purchase your own copy of EndNote and transfer your library to it. 
  • Sign up for a free EndNote Online account if you do not have one already and synchronise your records to it.
  • Export your references to alternative referencing software (e.g. Mendeley or Zotero which are free).
  • Create a Compressed library (.enlx) back up file which can be transferred to colleagues in your research group or imported to EndNote at another University.

EndNote Online - Will I get a 'premium' or 'basic' account?

University of Stirling staff and students may have premium EndNote Online access. This has no limit on the number of references or file attachments and access to 3,300+ referencing styles.

Retain premium level access for a minimum of one year after you leave the University by authenticating your EndNote Online just before you leave (see instructions below).

At the end of your premium access period your account will revert to EndNote Basic. EndNote Basic allows up to 50,000 references, 2GB of file attachments and 21 referencing styles.

EndNote Online - Register for an account or refresh your existing account

  1. Open your EndNote Desktop Library
  2. Create a backup of your EndNote Library before syncing your account (File > Compress Library).
  3. Click Sync Configuration (top left) and then Sign-Up to create an EndNote Online account.
    (You may use a personal email address e.g. if you plan to use the account when you have left the University)
  4. Click Sync Now (top right) to sychronise your references between your Desktop and Online accounts.

EndNote Online can be accessed at any time at


  • If you have a personal Web of Science account, you can use that to access EndNote Online - just enter your WoS account details at step 2.
  • If you have already created an account for your Library, EndNote will display the details when you click Sync Configuration.
  • You can only sync one EndNote Library to any EndNote Online account.
  • If you try to sync a second Library with an Online Account, EndNote will warn you that it will be merged. If you are sure you wish to merge libraries, make sure you take a backup first (File > Compressed Library) in case anything goes wrong.

Before you leave the University follow the instructions in the section below for users with an EndNote Online account.

EndNote Online - I have an account, what happens next?

Before you leave the University, synchronise your EndNote Desktop library with EndNote Online and authenticate your account as follows:

  1. Synchronise your EndNote Desktop and EndNote Online accounts - In EndNote Desktop click Library and select Sync
    (if you have not already setup your Sync preferences click Edit > Preferences > Sync and enter your email address and EndNote Online password before trying to synchronise accounts).
  2. Login to EndNote Online just before you leave the University. Your one year of premium access starts from the last time you login via your University account.
    IMPORTANT: To retain 'premium' level access for up to 1 year after graduation you must authenticate your EndNote online account from a University IP address. This simply means logging in to EndNote Online when on Campus. If you can't be on Campus, connect via Remote Desktop or VPN.

Help with EndNote

Check the guides on this EndNote help page. Check the tabs at the top for more information.

If you can't find what you need contact

How to I transfer my references to another EndNote account

If you have EndNote on another computer (e.g. if you have purchased a licence or are moving to another University which has EndNote) use the Compressed Library backup feature.

  1. Select File > Compressed Library (.enlx)
  2. Select the relevant options e.g. 'With File Attachments' to make sure you retain your PDFs.
  3. Navigate to the folder/drive to store your compressed backup copy
  4. Rename the file and click Save

Restoring your EndNote Library on another computer

  1. Copy or move the .enlx file to the location on your computer's hard drive (not OneDrive or other Cloud storage) where EndNote should access it.
  2. Open EndNote.
  3. Click File and select Open Library
  4. Navigate to the folder where you stored your compressed backup and  click the .enlx file.
    Your Library (comprising .ENL and .DATA ) will be opened and saved in the allocated folder on your hard drive.