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LibrarySearch (for books, articles and other resources)

Why request a book that is on loan?

Books on loan may be continuously renewed unless a student or other Library user places a hold on them.

We recommend you place a hold to make sure you get an opportunity to borrow a book you need. If the book is in high demand, you may be placed in a queue until a further copy becomes available. The Library will send an email to let you know when the book is ready for collection.

How to place a 'hold' or use 'click and collect'

  1. Find the book you want to request on LibrarySearch and click on the title.
  2. Scroll down to the Get Item section and click Sign in if you are not signed in already.

  3. Click on the link called REQUEST:  Place a hold for an item on loan or request click and collect.
  4. If there is a date after which you don’t need the book, change the pickup date.
  5. Click Send Request.
  6. You will receive an email when the book is available giving instructions on how to retrieve the book from the Library.