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LibrarySearch (for books, articles and other resources)

Tweak your results

The Tweak your results section on the right side of the page gives options to filter your search. The table below shows the available filters.

If you wish to apply the same filters (also known as facets) to several searches you can create a 'persistent facet'. See 'Filtering Search Results in Primo VE' for more information.

Availability e.g. Held by library (print or physical items that are in the library), Available online (ebooks, online articles etc.)
Resource Type e.g. Books, Dissertations, Conference Proceedings etc.
Format e.g. Ebooks or Print material
Location e.g. different areas of the Library (Long Loan, Quarto etc.), Theses, and Special Collections e.g. Drummond, Watson etc.
Date use the arrows on the From and To years to find books published in a certain time period.
Subject Tick one or more subject headings to narrow your search 
Author/Creator Useful to see all the items by a particular organisation or author. However, if you are looking for a book by a particular author you can simply add their las name in the search box with your title or keyword.
Language Useful if you wish to check for a book in its original language.