This is a guide to researching for an essay or dissertation in French Studies.
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It is important to critically analyse information before you use it in an essay, report or assignment. These websites suggest how to evaluate the quality of different types of information. For further assistance with this, please ask in the Library.
The databases listed below contain research in French Studies (journal articles and book articles). Choose a database appropriate for your specific topic. The MLA International Bibliography is a good general database for literature and language topics, but look at the other databases, particularly if your topic relates to History.
Search tips:
An index to articles, letters, editorials, etc published in over 1,300 journals worldwide. Part of the Web of Science Core Collection.
SocArXiv is a free open access archive for the social sciences. It holds working papers, preprints and published papers - some documents have links to data and code. (A pre-print is: "a manuscript draft that has not yet been subject to formal peer review, distributed to receive early feedback on research from peers").
It is important to critically analyse information before you use it in an essay, report or assignment.
Some recommended websites