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Health: Ebooks


eTextbooks are 'core' texts likely to be in heavy demand. The Library has provided a selection that students can download for a Semester or longer (it varies between titles) and are available via some Resource Lists in Canvas or from the Library Catalogue. Typically these are from Kortext or BibliU.

Kortext Logo.

Look out for the Kortext link in the Library Catalogue or your Resource List in Canvas.

Screenshot showing a Stirling Kortext etextbooks link for a book in LibrarySearch.

The first time you access a Kortext eText you will be asked to create an account using your University email address. You can then read online or get the Kortext app from your usual app store.

Download your Kortext book to the app for a better reading experience including Voiceover/Read aloud, highlight text, change colours, add notes plus other features. The available features will vary between different books. See the Kortext Accessibilty web page for more details.

See the Kortext Tutorial Guide for more information.


Decorative image showing books cascading into an ipad or tablet.

Find all of our eBooks in LibrarySearch.

  • Search for a title or keyword.
  • The results list will give a mix of Printed books and eBooks. You can click the Available Online link to the full text.
  • To refine your search only to eBooks, click eBooks under the Format options on the right hand menu.

Screenshot of the right hand Tweak your results pane in LibrarySearch with the eBooks format highlighted.

Looking for Chapters?

In LibrarySearch you can mostly only find for whole books. However, it is increasingly possible to find specific chapters too.

  • In LibrarySearch search for a title or keyword but select the option to 'Search Everything' instead of just 'Books+'.
    Screenshot of searching for keywords in LibrarySearch. The image shows the drop-down menu with options to select Books, Articles or to Search Everything.
  • The results list will give a mix of books, articles, chapters and other material. 
  • To refine your search only chapters, under the Resource Type options on the right menu select Chapters.

Screenshot of a record in LibrarySearch which has a heading to indicate it is a Book Chapter.

Tip - to check for a chapter in ebooks we don't have in the Library, tick the 'Also show results without full text' option under 'Tweak your results' on the right menu. 

Ask for Help

Decorative image of a help button on a keyboard. Click the image to email the Library for help.

BibliU logo.

Look out for the BibliU link in the Library Catalogue or your Resource List in Canvas.

Once you have identified a BibliU book, it is easier to go to the BibliU app to search again for the book, then read or download it.

Download the app from your usual app store and login 'Through your university' and when prompted enter your University User Name and Password.

See the BibliU Tutorial Guide for more information.