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Business & Management: Business Case Studies

HS Talks


Premium or Subscription Case Studies

Payment is required to use the cases listed on the following Web sites.

Box of Broadcasts

Show whole programmes, use play lists or embed clips in learing content. 

See the ERA educational resources page for ideas and tips and examples of using broadcast materials in learning and teaching. One great example on improving communication skills is from Dr Turner the Associate Professor in Learning and Teaching at the University of Derby. Ian shows 2 minute clips from David Attenburgh's programme with the volume off - the students discuss the clip in class and then write their own script to be compareed and analysed further after listening and reading the original script (downloaded fro BoB).

Library Databases with Case Study Section

In Business Source search for the phrase "case studies" in the SU - Subject Terms field.

In XPertHR click the 'Tools' option in the bar at top of the screen and from the 'Good Practice' section, select Case Studies for examples of HR practices in named organisations.

Free Resources

The websites below are free to access and give some free case study downloads. You may be asked to to supply your name and email address and might be asked to sign up to mailing or newsletter list (which you can unsubscribe from later).