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COVID-19 Research Support: Other eBooks & eJournals


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Elsevier Coronavirus Research Hub


To support researchers working on Coronavirus solutions the Elsevier Coronavirus Research Hub provides free access to a range for life sciences, clinical research and data science until 28th October 2020. This includes full access to the EmBase and Clinical Key databases and tools for data mining. 

You need to register to use the resources. Registration is quicker and easier if you have already created an Elsevier profile via Science Direct or Scopus which the Library already subscribes to (Portal > Resources tab > A-Z Online Resources > Science Direct or Scopus).


Search the Library Catalogue for ebooks and articles and try the Journal Search where you will hopefully find most of what you need.

Additionally, many publishers have temporarily opened up additional content to help students and researchers during this difficult period. Some of these sources are listed below. Let us know if you can recommend more.

Some resources will be available to end April, May or June depending on what the publisher has arranged.

For research data and findings specifically related to COVID-19 see:

eBooks and MultiMedia

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These temporarily available journals cover a wide range of disciplines to support learning, teaching and research.

If you are looking for research data and findings specific to COVID-19 see the resources at: