Search Statista by keyword e.g. fisheries, aquaculture etc.for a range of statistics, forecasts, industry reports etc.
Search IBISWorld by keyword e.g. fisheries, aquaculture etc. for industry and market reports, statistics etc. from UK, US and China.
As well as the sources of statistics listed on this page, there are many books in the library on handling statistics with the statistical program "R". For example, see: Biostatistical Design and Analysis Using R (ebook) by Logan, Statistics: an introduction using R by Crawley, The R book (ebook) by Crawley, How to be a Quantitative Ecologist: The 'A to R' of Green Mathematics and Statistics (ebook) by Matthiopoulos, Discovering statistics using R by Field, Miles & Field, Statistics for ecologists using R and Excel: data collection, exploration, analysis and presentation by Gardener, Beginning R : the statistical programming language (ebook) by Gardener, Introductory Statistics with R (ebook) by Dalgaard, Applied Statistical Genetics with R: For Population-based Association Studies (ebook) by Foulkes.
Marine Data
OCLE - Observatory of Cimate change effects on Littoral Ecosystems. Integrates meteo-oceanographic data and presence of marine species, to aid assessment of the past, present and future distribution of coastal communities and ecosystems. |
SEANEO - Sea Scientific Open Data AN open archive of Marine research data (may be 2 year embargo on some data) |