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Uni App - Library Features: Reading Lists

Reading Lists in the University of Stirling App

If your module has an online reading list you should be able to view it via Canvas as usual.

Alternatively, find it in the 'Lists section' of the app:





Finding your list via the App

  1. Access the University of Stirling App and click 'Lists'
  2. Check whether you are signed in  - your initials will show in the top right corner. Alternatively, you will see the option to 'Sign in'.
  3. Click 'Find Lists' at the bottom of the screen and in the 'Search List' box type your module code e.g. SPSP016 and click 'Search'.
    (In some mobile phones you may need to scroll down or there may be an intermediate step e.g. click an arrow prior to seeing the Search button.)
  4. You should now see the list title and it will tell you which academic year it is for. Click the title to see the full reading list.

What if I don't find the list for my module?

There may be a number of reasons your list does not appear.

List is not Published

  • Your module co-ordinator might not have published the list yet or might not have created a list.
  • Check in your Canvas module to see if it appears there. If not, ask your lecturer or the library if it has been published?

List from previous year(s)

  • The search usually retrieves the list for the current academic year.
  • To see earlier lists, use the 'Course Status' drop down menu (see image above) and select 'All' to search for all versions of the list.

Technical Issues

  • If you see an error message or other indication of a technical problem, check from the reading list link in your Canvas Module to see if the list is visible there. If the problem persists in the app, please contact the Library and if possible, attach a screenshot of the error to your email message.