Our Open Access repository, STORRE, includes the full text of all University of Stirling research theses from September 2006 onwards; covering PhDs, Masters of Philosophy and Masters by Research plus Professional Higher Degrees by Research.
A significant number of our older theses are also included due to on-going digitisation of our paper theses as part our participation in the British Library's EThOS service.
Search and browse the University’s research publications in STORRE, our Online Research Repository.
STORRE holds a continually growing collection of the full text of the research outputs of University of Stirling authors. It includes published journal articles, conference papers, book chapters, theses, etc.
A number of our pre-2007 paper research theses have not yet been digitised. All our paper and digitised theses are listed in our LibrarySearch. You can request free digitisation of a Stirling paper thesis via the British Library's EThOS service.