It is important to critically analyse information before you use it in an essay, report or assignment. These websites suggest how to evaluate the quality of different types of information. For further assistance with this, please ask in the Library.
Welcome to the Subject Research Guide for Non Medical Prescribing
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Full text access to articles on nursing and allied fields, health education, emergency services, occupational therapy, etc.
Covers material from 1982.
Provides access to the Citation Indexes for: Science; Social Sciences; Arts & Humanities; Conference Proceedings and Books. Use for finding journal articles and conference papers. Databases can be searched simultaneously or select specific databases using the More Settings option.
The major resource for information on evidenced based medicine. The Cochrane Library is designed to provide information and evidence to support decisions taken in health care and to inform those receiving care.
Provides full text access to 550 journals. Also abstracts and indexing for 850 journals. Coverage of nursing and allied health is particularly strong.
Internurse provides full text articles from 18 major nursing journals.
The Knowledge Network is the new name for NHS Scotland e-Library. It provides access to a wide range of databases, electronic journals, clinical guidelines and websites in all aspects of healthcare. Some materials are freely available to the public. Students and staff in the Department of Nursing and Midwifery and those working in partnership with the NHS can apply for an Athens username and password to access the full range of resources on this site.
Medline covers medicine and nursing. It is created by the National Library of Medicine and uses MESH subject headings to locate resources.