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Box of Broadcasts

BoB for offshore students

Students and staff based outside the UK may access some BoB content. This service is available for students studying at overseas campuses, distance learning students based overseas, and students travelling overseas. There are a few restrictions, however:

  1. Content is only accessible to offshore students via a Global Playlist - see instructions below for staff to create a Global Playlist.
  2. Feature films released from 2000 onwards may not be added to a Global Playlist.
  3. Care should be taken to select culturally appropriate content for the Global Playlist.


Creating a Global Playlist

All staff have been given permissions to create Global Playlists.

  1. Search for content in BoB, then click on the Add to Playlist button underneath your selected recording.
  2. Select the New Playlist button.
  3. Give your playlist a name and description, and select a relevant subject area from the list. Under Territory Settings, click the Global Enabled box.Creating a Global Playlist
  4. Click on Create Playlist. You can now share this with students.