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A Harvard referencing style for use with RefWorks

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Although there are variations in the Harvard style used at different universities you may find the following guides useful.

RefWorks Output Style - Harvard Stirling University

What is Harvard Stirling University?

Harvard Stirling University (HSU) is a referencing style developed for use with RefWorks. This style takes into account feedback received about the other ‘Harvard’ styles available in RefWorks, for example many people told us they wanted the year of publication to be enclosed in round brackets and they did not like the author names in upper case letters.

A greater number of reference types are fully defined to accommodate references to reports, clinical guidelines, web documents, DVDs, television broadcasts, blogs, email communication, lecture notes and many other materials.

Is it compulsory to Use Harvard Stirling University?

Undergraduate & Taught Postgraduate Students should use the referencing style advised in their module or programme handbooks. Some Schools may recommend HSU but you might be required to use Harvard British Standard, APA, OSCOLA, MHRA, Chicago or another style. Check with your module tutor If you are uncertain if you may use HSU.

Find out which style you should use on the Referencing Help pages:​ 

Staff and Research students may choose to use HSU unless an alternative style has been specified by their School, supervisor, publisher etc.

How do I Use Harvard Stirling University?

Click the tabs at the top or see the HSU Help links on the right navigation pane for examples and guidance on using HSU. The HSU Examples include links to screen images showing you how to enter your references in RefWorks.

Harvard Stirling University Help

Citing Media and Audiovisual Material