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Social media for researchers: Sharing

Information on how to use social media as a researcher




Slideshare is the most popular place to share presentation slides.  You can find presentations on a wide variety of topics as well as share your own presentations.  Uploading your slides enables people to revisit them after the actual presentation, and allows those that could not attend the opportunity to view your presntation.

Slideshare can have enormous reach.  It has a lot of passing traffic, people can embed a Slideshare presentation into their own blog or website, so there is the potential for your slides to reach a significant audience beyond your existing online network.



Prezi is a cloud based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides 

Creating successful presentations

  • Lose the bullet points!  Your slides are much more likely to be picked up by Slideshare or shared by your peers if they are visually appealing.  Use full screen pictures rather then templates, and write in full sentences rather than bulleted fragments.  This will mean your messages stick in the mind of your audience more readily.
  • Try to tell a story rather than just presenting information
  • Make one point per slide.  Do not cram loads of text into a single slide
  • Use sites like Compfight to find Creative Commons images on Flikr that you can use legally within your presentation.  Creative Commons licences allow you to reuse others'  work as long as you credit the owner.  Make sure you include a list of credits at the end of your slides, with links so people can find the originals online
  • Always share your slides widely after saving them to Slideshare or Prezi.  Tweet about them, link to them and embed them in your website or blog
  • You can display different slidedecks in different sections of your LinkedIn profile.  You can use this an an opportunity to showcase the presenations you've given




25 research things, 2010, 14th thing - Slideshare and Prezi

SlideShare: the YouTube of Power Point

 SlideShare for research

Slideshare to enhance research


 To learn a bit more about Prezi, read this blog post by Ned Potter (University of Leeds): “Prezi For The Win? Ten Top Tips To Make a Good One"