Database and service to help researchers find and make use of health, social care and administrative data that can improve the lives of people in Scotland. A not-for-profit charitable organisation created and funded by the Scottish Government, and a partnership between leading universities and public bodies. You may need to apply to access some datasets - see: Data access overview
The following datasets are the first to become available through the Researcher Access Service:
Outpatient Appointments and Attendances (Scottish Morbidity Record, SMR00, January 1997 onwards)
General Acute Inpatient and Day Case (Scottish Morbidity Record, SMR01, April 1997 onwards)
Maternity Inpatient and Day Case (Scottish Morbidity Record, SMR02, April 1997 onwards)
Mental Health Inpatient and Day Case (Scottish Morbidity Record, SMR04, April 1997 onwards)
Scottish Cancer Registry (SMR06, April 1997 onwards)
Prescribing Information System (PIS, January 2015 onwards)
Scotland Accident and Emergency (January 2011 onwards)
Birth Registrations (National Records of Scotland, 1981 onwards)
Death Registrations (National Records of Scotland, 2015 onwards)
If you find links in the A-Z list that aren't working - please let us know. Contact:
Resource freely available on web
Registration or resource specific password required